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Watch Dogs Legion poate fi jucat gratuit în acest weekend

Dacă te plictisești, de Joi poți juca gratuit Watch Dogs Legion.

Ubisoft a anunțat că Watch Dogs Legion va putea fi jucat gratuit în acest weekend pe toate platformele, începând de joi, 25 martie la 16:00 UTC (12 PM EDT, 9 AM PDT, 5 PM CET) până luni, 29 martie la 14:00 UTC (10 AM EDT, 7 AM PDT, 3 PM CET). Preîncărcarea va fi disponibilă mai târziu astăzi pe toate platformele, cu excepția Xbox One și Xbox Series S | X.

În timpul perioadei de încercare gratuită a Watch Dogs Legion, jucătorii pot accesa toate activitățile din joc. Ca de obicei cu aceste oferte gratuite, vin cu o serie de reduceri, așa cum sunt detaliate mai jos:

  • box: From March 23 – April 1, 67 percent off of the Standard edition and 60 percent off of the Ultimate edition; from April 2 – April 15, 50% off of the Standard and Ultimate editions.
  • PlayStation: From March 24 – 31, 67 percent off of the Standard edition, 60 percent off of the Ultimate edition, and 25 percent off of the season pass.
  • Ubisoft Store on Windows PC: From March 18 – April 9, 50 percent off of the Standard, Gold and Ultimate editions, and 25 percent off of the season pass.
  • Epic Games Store on Windows PC: From March 25 – March 29, 50 percent off of the Standard, Gold and Ultimate editions, and 25 percent off of the season pass.
  • Stadia: From March 25 – April 1, 52 percent off of the Standard edition, 45 percent off of the Gold and Ultimate editions, and 10 percent off of the season pass.,