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Un nou mod pentru Cyberpunk 2077 adaugă opțiunea de Fast Travel Real Time Dynamic Camera Transitions

Cyberpunk 2077 devine mai interesant folosind acest mod.


Un nou mod Cyberpunk 2077 care a fost lansat săptămâna aceasta introduce noi funcții de călătorie rapidă care fac experiența mai captivantă.

Modul GTA Travel înlocuiește ecranele de încărcare rapidă a călătoriilor cu tranziții dinamice ale camerei în timp real, care amintesc de Grand Theft Auto V. Modul oferă, de asemenea, mai multe opțiuni de călătorie rapidă, cum ar fi capacitatea de a călători rapid de oriunde și multe altele.

Speed settings:
– Max Speed: This sets whats the maximum speed is you can reach during that phase (Available for up, sideways and down phase)
– Speed Increment: Use this to control how fast you you accelerate / decelerate (Lower => Slower) (Available for up, sideways and down phase)
– Cam Height: This sets to what height the cam goes during the transition (Available for up phase)
– Player TP Distance: This controls at which distance to the ground the player he gets teleported away from it. I recommend keeping the default
values, higher values also work most of the time but not everywhere (Depends on how bussy the location is) (Available for up and down phase)

Misc settings:
– Enable Cyberpunk 2077 GTA Travel from: Fast Travel Points to Fast Travel Points, Anywhere to Fast Travel Points, Anywhere to Anywhere
– Reset stuff: Options to reset cam and toggle the players head, in case that something goes wrong you can always use these
– Add player head during flight: Disable this option if you often can see the players head after the transition

Modul Cyberpunk 2077 GTA Travel poate fi descărcat de pe Nexus Mods.