Odată cu anunțarea Windows 11, Microsoft a dezvăluit în sfârșit și cerințele minime pe care trebuie să le aibă orice PC cu Windows actual pentru a putea rula Windows 11. Și nu este o listă frumoasă.
Aplicația PC Health Check de la Microsoft a frânt inimile multor pasionați de Windows, care au fost întâmpinați cu temutul mesaj „Acest PC nu poate rula Windows 11” atunci când au rulat o verificare a compatibilității cu Windows 11 pe sistemele lor.
Dacă ați primit un mesaj de incompatibilitate cu privire la faptul că procesorul computerului dvs. nu este compatibil cu Windows 11, iar sistemul dvs. este destul de nou, iată o listă cu procesoarele compatibile cu Windows 11, astfel încât să puteți face o verificare încrucișată și să verificați dacă aplicația PC Health Check a făcut o greșeală.
Lista procesoarelor Intel compatibile cu Windows 11
Cipurile Intel Core echipează multe computere cu Windows și, din păcate, multe dintre aceste computere vor fi lăsate pe dinafară de Windows 11, deoarece acesta necesită minimum procesoare Intel de generația a 8-a pe un sistem. Toate procesoarele Intel Core sub generația a 7-a nu vor fi acceptate de Windows 11.
Mai jos este o listă cu toate procesoarele Intel compatibile cu Windows 11.
Intel® | Atom® | x6200FE |
Intel® | Atom® | x6211E |
Intel® | Atom® | x6212RE |
Intel® | Atom® | x6413E |
Intel® | Atom® | x6414RE |
Intel® | Atom® | x6425E |
Intel® | Atom® | x6425RE |
Intel® | Atom® | x6427FE |
Intel® | Celeron® | G4900 |
Intel® | Celeron® | G4900T |
Intel® | Celeron® | G4920 |
Intel® | Celeron® | G4930 |
Intel® | Celeron® | G4930E |
Intel® | Celeron® | G4930T |
Intel® | Celeron® | G4932E |
Intel® | Celeron® | G4950 |
Intel® | Celeron® | J4005 |
Intel® | Celeron® | J4105 |
Intel® | Celeron® | J4115 |
Intel® | Celeron® | N4000 |
Intel® | Celeron® | N4100 |
Intel® | Celeron® | 3867U |
Intel® | Celeron® | 4205U |
Intel® | Celeron® | 4305U |
Intel® | Celeron® | 4305UE |
Intel® | Celeron® | J4025 |
Intel® | Celeron® | J4125 |
Intel® | Celeron® | N4020 |
Intel® | Celeron® | N4120 |
Intel® | Celeron® | 5205U |
Intel® | Celeron® | 5305U |
Intel® | Celeron® | G5900 |
Intel® | Celeron® | G5900E |
Intel® | Celeron® | G5900T |
Intel® | Celeron® | G5900TE |
Intel® | Celeron® | G5905 |
Intel® | Celeron® | G5905T |
Intel® | Celeron® | G5920 |
Intel® | Celeron® | G5925 |
Intel® | Celeron® | J6412 |
Intel® | Celeron® | J6413 |
Intel® | Celeron® | N6210 |
Intel® | Celeron® | N6211 |
Intel® | Celeron® | N4500 |
Intel® | Celeron® | N4505 |
Intel® | Celeron® | N5100 |
Intel® | Celeron® | N5105 |
Intel® | Celeron® | 6305 |
Intel® | Celeron® | 6305E |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-10210Y |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-10310Y |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-8200Y |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-8210Y |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-8310Y |
Intel® | Core™ | i7-10510Y |
Intel® | Core™ | i7-8500Y |
Intel® | Core™ | m3-8100Y |
Intel® | Core™ | i3-8100 |
Intel® | Core™ | i3-8100B |
Intel® | Core™ | i3-8100H |
Intel® | Core™ | i3-8100T |
Intel® | Core™ | i3-8109U |
Intel® | Core™ | i3-8140U |
Intel® | Core™ | i3-8300 |
Intel® | Core™ | i3-8300T |
Intel® | Core™ | i3-8350K |
Intel® | Core™ | i5+8400 |
Intel® | Core™ | i5+8500 |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-8257U |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-8259U |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-8260U |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-8269U |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-8279U |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-8300H |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-8400 |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-8400B |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-8400H |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-8400T |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-8500 |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-8500B |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-8500T |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-8600 |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-8600K |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-8600T |
Intel® | Core™ | i7-8086K |
Intel® | Core™ | i7-8557U |
Intel® | Core™ | i7-8559U |
Intel® | Core™ | i7-8569U |
Intel® | Core™ | i7-8700 |
Intel® | Core™ | i7-8700B |
Intel® | Core™ | i7-8700K |
Intel® | Core™ | i7-8700T |
Intel® | Core™ | i7-8750H |
Intel® | Core™ | i7-8850H |
Intel® | Core™ | i3-8130U |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-8250U |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-8350U |
Intel® | Core™ | i7-8550U |
Intel® | Core™ | i7-8650U |
Intel® | Core™ | i3-8145U |
Intel® | Core™ | i3-8145UE |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-8265U |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-8365U |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-8365UE |
Intel® | Core™ | i7-8565U |
Intel® | Core™ | i7-8665U |
Intel® | Core™ | i7-8665UE |
Intel® | Core™ | i3-9100 |
Intel® | Core™ | i3-9100E |
Intel® | Core™ | i3-9100F |
Intel® | Core™ | i3-9100HL |
Intel® | Core™ | i3-9100T |
Intel® | Core™ | i3-9100TE |
Intel® | Core™ | i3-9300 |
Intel® | Core™ | i3-9300T |
Intel® | Core™ | i3-9320 |
Intel® | Core™ | i3-9350K |
Intel® | Core™ | i3-9350KF |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-9300H |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-9300HF |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-9400 |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-9400F |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-9400H |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-9400T |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-9500 |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-9500E |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-9500F |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-9500T |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-9500TE |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-9600 |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-9600K |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-9600KF |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-9600T |
Intel® | Core™ | i7-9700 |
Intel® | Core™ | i7-9700E |
Intel® | Core™ | i7-9700F |
Intel® | Core™ | i7-9700K |
Intel® | Core™ | i7-9700KF |
Intel® | Core™ | i7-9700T |
Intel® | Core™ | i7-9700TE |
Intel® | Core™ | i7-9750H |
Intel® | Core™ | i7-9750HF |
Intel® | Core™ | i7-9850H |
Intel® | Core™ | i7-9850HE |
Intel® | Core™ | i7-9850HL |
Intel® | Core™ | i9-8950HK |
Intel® | Core™ | i9-9880H |
Intel® | Core™ | i9-9900 |
Intel® | Core™ | i9-9900K |
Intel® | Core™ | i9-9900KF |
Intel® | Core™ | i9-9900KS |
Intel® | Core™ | i9-9900T |
Intel® | Core™ | i9-9980HK |
Intel® | Core™ | i3-10100Y |
Intel® | Core™ | i3-10110Y |
Intel® | Core™ | i9-10900X |
Intel® | Core™ | i9-10920X |
Intel® | Core™ | i9-10940X |
Intel® | Core™ | i9-10980XE |
Intel® | Core™ | i3-10100 |
Intel® | Core™ | i3-10100E |
Intel® | Core™ | i3-10100F |
Intel® | Core™ | i3-10100T |
Intel® | Core™ | i3-10100TE |
Intel® | Core™ | i3-10105 |
Intel® | Core™ | i3-10105F |
Intel® | Core™ | i3-10105T |
Intel® | Core™ | i3-10110U |
Intel® | Core™ | i3-10300 |
Intel® | Core™ | i3-10300T |
Intel® | Core™ | i3-10305 |
Intel® | Core™ | i3-10305T |
Intel® | Core™ | i3-10320 |
Intel® | Core™ | i3-10325 |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-10200H |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-10210U |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-10300H |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-10310U |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-10400 |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-10400F |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-10400H |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-10400T |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-10500 |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-10500E |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-10500H |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-10500T |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-10500TE |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-10600 |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-10600K |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-10600KF |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-10600T |
Intel® | Core™ | i7-10510U |
Intel® | Core™ | i7-10610U |
Intel® | Core™ | i7-10700 |
Intel® | Core™ | i7-10700E |
Intel® | Core™ | i7-10700F |
Intel® | Core™ | i7-10700K |
Intel® | Core™ | i7-10700KF |
Intel® | Core™ | i7-10700T |
Intel® | Core™ | i7-10700TE |
Intel® | Core™ | i7-10710U |
Intel® | Core™ | i7-10750H |
Intel® | Core™ | i7-10810U |
Intel® | Core™ | i7-10850H |
Intel® | Core™ | i7-10870H |
Intel® | Core™ | i7-10875H |
Intel® | Core™ | i9-10850K |
Intel® | Core™ | i9-10885H |
Intel® | Core™ | i9-10900 |
Intel® | Core™ | i9-10900E |
Intel® | Core™ | i9-10900F |
Intel® | Core™ | i9-10900K |
Intel® | Core™ | i9-10900KF |
Intel® | Core™ | i9-10900T |
Intel® | Core™ | i9-10900TE |
Intel® | Core™ | i9-10980HK |
Intel® | Core™ | i3-1000G1 |
Intel® | Core™ | i3-1000G4 |
Intel® | Core™ | i3-1005G1 |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-1030G4 |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-1030G7 |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-1035G1 |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-1035G4 |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-1035G7 |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-1038NG7 |
Intel® | Core™ | i7-1060G7 |
Intel® | Core™ | i7-1065G7 |
Intel® | Core™ | i7-1068NG7 |
Intel® | Core™ | i3-L13G4 |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-L16G7 |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-11400 |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-11400F |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-11400T |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-11500 |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-11500T |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-11600 |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-11600K |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-11600KF |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-11600T |
Intel® | Core™ | i7-11700 |
Intel® | Core™ | i7-11700F |
Intel® | Core™ | i7-11700K |
Intel® | Core™ | i7-11700KF |
Intel® | Core™ | i7-11700T |
Intel® | Core™ | i9-11900 |
Intel® | Core™ | i9-11900F |
Intel® | Core™ | i9-11900K |
Intel® | Core™ | i9-11900KF |
Intel® | Core™ | i9-11900T |
Intel® | Core™ | i3-1110G4 |
Intel® | Core™ | i3-1115G4 |
Intel® | Core™ | i3-1115G4E |
Intel® | Core™ | i3-1115GRE |
Intel® | Core™ | i3-1120G4 |
Intel® | Core™ | i3-1125G4 |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-11300H |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-1130G7 |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-1135G7 |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-1135G7 |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-1140G7 |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-1145G7 |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-1145G7E |
Intel® | Core™ | i5-1145GRE |
Intel® | Core™ | i7-11370H |
Intel® | Core™ | i7-11375H |
Intel® | Core™ | i7-1160G7 |
Intel® | Core™ | i7-1165G7 |
Intel® | Core™ | i7-1165G7 |
Intel® | Core™ | i7-1180G7 |
Intel® | Core™ | i7-1185G7 |
Intel® | Core™ | i7-1185G7E |
Intel® | Core™ | i7-1185GRE |
Intel® | Pentium® | Gold 4425Y |
Intel® | Pentium® | Gold 6500Y |
Intel® | Pentium® | Gold G5400 |
Intel® | Pentium® | Gold G5400T |
Intel® | Pentium® | Gold G5420 |
Intel® | Pentium® | Gold G5420T |
Intel® | Pentium® | Gold G5500 |
Intel® | Pentium® | Gold G5500T |
Intel® | Pentium® | Gold G5600 |
Intel® | Pentium® | Gold G5600T |
Intel® | Pentium® | Gold G5620 |
Intel® | Pentium® | Silver J5005 |
Intel® | Pentium® | Silver N5000 |
Intel® | Pentium® | Gold 4417U |
Intel® | Pentium® | Gold 5405U |
Intel® | Pentium® | Silver J5040 |
Intel® | Pentium® | Silver N5030 |
Intel® | Pentium® | Gold 6405U |
Intel® | Pentium® | Gold G6400 |
Intel® | Pentium® | Gold G6400E |
Intel® | Pentium® | Gold G6400T |
Intel® | Pentium® | Gold G6400TE |
Intel® | Pentium® | Gold G6405 |
Intel® | Pentium® | Gold G6405T |
Intel® | Pentium® | Gold G6500 |
Intel® | Pentium® | Gold G6500T |
Intel® | Pentium® | Gold G6505 |
Intel® | Pentium® | Gold G6505T |
Intel® | Pentium® | Gold G6600 |
Intel® | Pentium® | Gold G6605 |
Intel® | Pentium® | 6805 |
Intel® | Pentium® | J6426 |
Intel® | Pentium® | N6415 |
Intel® | Pentium® | Silver N6000 |
Intel® | Pentium® | Silver N6005 |
Intel® | Pentium® | Gold 7505 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Bronze 3104 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Bronze 3106 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 5115 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 5118 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 5119T |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 5120 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 5120T |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 5122 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6126 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6126F |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6126T |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6128 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6130 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6130F |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6130T |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6132 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6134 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6136 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6138 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6138F |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6138P |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6138T |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6140 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6142 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6142F |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6144 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6146 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6148 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6148F |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6150 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6152 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6154 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Platinum 8153 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Platinum 8156 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Platinum 8158 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Platinum 8160 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Platinum 8160F |
Intel® | Xeon® | Platinum 8160T |
Intel® | Xeon® | Platinum 8164 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Platinum 8168 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Platinum 8170 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Platinum 8176 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Platinum 8176F |
Intel® | Xeon® | Platinum 8180 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Silver 4108 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Silver 4109T |
Intel® | Xeon® | Silver 4110 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Silver 4112 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Silver 4114 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Silver 4114T |
Intel® | Xeon® | Silver 4116 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Silver 4116T |
Intel® | Xeon® | E-2124 |
Intel® | Xeon® | E-2124G |
Intel® | Xeon® | E-2126G |
Intel® | Xeon® | E-2134 |
Intel® | Xeon® | E-2136 |
Intel® | Xeon® | E-2144G |
Intel® | Xeon® | E-2146G |
Intel® | Xeon® | E-2174G |
Intel® | Xeon® | E-2176G |
Intel® | Xeon® | E-2176M |
Intel® | Xeon® | E-2186G |
Intel® | Xeon® | E-2186M |
Intel® | Xeon® | E-2224 |
Intel® | Xeon® | E-2224G |
Intel® | Xeon® | E-2226G |
Intel® | Xeon® | E-2226GE |
Intel® | Xeon® | E-2234 |
Intel® | Xeon® | E-2236 |
Intel® | Xeon® | E-2244G |
Intel® | Xeon® | E-2246G |
Intel® | Xeon® | E-2254ME |
Intel® | Xeon® | E-2254ML |
Intel® | Xeon® | E-2274G |
Intel® | Xeon® | E-2276G |
Intel® | Xeon® | E-2276M |
Intel® | Xeon® | E-2276ME |
Intel® | Xeon® | E-2276ML |
Intel® | Xeon® | E-2278G |
Intel® | Xeon® | E-2278GE |
Intel® | Xeon® | E-2278GEL |
Intel® | Xeon® | E-2286G |
Intel® | Xeon® | E-2286M |
Intel® | Xeon® | E-2288G |
Intel® | Xeon® | Bronze 3204 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Bronze 3206R |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 5215 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 5215L |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 5217 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 5218B |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 5218N |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 5218R |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 5218T |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 5220 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 5220R |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 5220S |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 5220T |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 5222 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6208U |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6209U |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6210U |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6212U |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6222V |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6226 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6226R |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6230 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6230N |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6230R |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6230T |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6238 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6238L |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6238T |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6240 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6240L |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6240R |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6240Y |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6242 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6242R |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6244 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6246R |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6248 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6248R |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6250 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6250L |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6252 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6252N |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6254 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6256 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6258R |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6262V |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold Gold 5218 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold Gold 6238R |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold6246 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Goldv 6234 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Platinum 8253 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Platinum 8256 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Platinum 8260 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Platinum 8260L |
Intel® | Xeon® | Platinum 8260Y |
Intel® | Xeon® | Platinum 8268 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Platinum 8270 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Platinum 8276 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Platinum 8276L |
Intel® | Xeon® | Platinum 8280 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Platinum 8280L |
Intel® | Xeon® | Platinum 9221 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Platinum 9222 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Platinum 9242 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Platinum 9282 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Silver 4208 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Silver 4209T |
Intel® | Xeon® | Silver 4210 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Silver 4210R |
Intel® | Xeon® | Silver 4210T |
Intel® | Xeon® | Silver 4214 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Silver 4214R |
Intel® | Xeon® | Silver 4214Y |
Intel® | Xeon® | Silver 4215 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Silver 4215R |
Intel® | Xeon® | Silver 4216 |
Intel® | Xeon® | W-2223 |
Intel® | Xeon® | W-2225 |
Intel® | Xeon® | W-2235 |
Intel® | Xeon® | W-2245 |
Intel® | Xeon® | W-2255 |
Intel® | Xeon® | W-2265 |
Intel® | Xeon® | W-2275 |
Intel® | Xeon® | W-2295 |
Intel® | Xeon® | W-3223 |
Intel® | Xeon® | W-3225 |
Intel® | Xeon® | W-3235 |
Intel® | Xeon® | W-3245 |
Intel® | Xeon® | W-3245M |
Intel® | Xeon® | W-3265 |
Intel® | Xeon® | W-3265M |
Intel® | Xeon® | W-3275 |
Intel® | Xeon® | W-3275M |
Intel® | Xeon® | W-10855M |
Intel® | Xeon® | W-10885M |
Intel® | Xeon® | W-1250 |
Intel® | Xeon® | W-1250E |
Intel® | Xeon® | W-1250P |
Intel® | Xeon® | W-1250TE |
Intel® | Xeon® | W-1270 |
Intel® | Xeon® | W-1270E |
Intel® | Xeon® | W-1270P |
Intel® | Xeon® | W-1270TE |
Intel® | Xeon® | W-1290 |
Intel® | Xeon® | W-1290E |
Intel® | Xeon® | W-1290P |
Intel® | Xeon® | W-1290T |
Intel® | Xeon® | W-1290TE |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 5315Y |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 5317 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 5318N |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 5318S |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 5320 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 5320T |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6312U |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6314U |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6326 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6330 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6330N |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6334 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6336Y |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6338 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6338N |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6338T |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6342 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6346 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6348 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold 6354 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Gold Gold 5318Y |
Intel® | Xeon® | Platinum 8351N |
Intel® | Xeon® | Platinum 8352S |
Intel® | Xeon® | Platinum 8352V |
Intel® | Xeon® | Platinum 8352Y |
Intel® | Xeon® | Platinum 8358 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Platinum 8358P |
Intel® | Xeon® | Platinum 8360Y |
Intel® | Xeon® | Platinum 8368 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Platinum 8368Q |
Intel® | Xeon® | Platinum 8380 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Silver 4309Y |
Intel® | Xeon® | Silver 4310 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Silver 4310T |
Intel® | Xeon® | Silver 4314 |
Intel® | Xeon® | Silver 4316 |
Lista procesoarelor AMD compatibile cu Windows 11
Lista procesoarelor AMD compatibile cu Windows 11 începe cu seria Ryzen 2000, care este încă destul de proaspătă, deoarece a fost lansată în 2018 și, din păcate, Microsoft nu crede că Windows 11 va rula mai bine pe procesoare AMD mai vechi decât acesta.
Mai jos este o listă cu toate procesoarele AMD suportate de Windows 11.
AMD | AMD | 3015e |
AMD | AMD | 3020e |
AMD | Athlon™ | Gold 3150C |
AMD | Athlon™ | Gold 3150U |
AMD | Athlon™ | Silver 3050C |
AMD | Athlon™ | Silver 3050e |
AMD | Athlon™ | Silver 3050U |
AMD | Athlon™ | 3000G |
AMD | Athlon™ | 300GE |
AMD | Athlon™ | 300U |
AMD | Athlon™ | 320GE |
AMD | Athlon™ | Gold 3150G |
AMD | Athlon™ | Gold 3150GE |
AMD | Athlon™ | Silver 3050GE |
AMD | EPYC™ | 7232P |
AMD | EPYC™ | 7252 |
AMD | EPYC™ | 7262 |
AMD | EPYC™ | 7272 |
AMD | EPYC™ | 7282 |
AMD | EPYC™ | 7302 |
AMD | EPYC™ | 7302P |
AMD | EPYC™ | 7352 |
AMD | EPYC™ | 7402 |
AMD | EPYC™ | 7402P |
AMD | EPYC™ | 7452 |
AMD | EPYC™ | 7502 |
AMD | EPYC™ | 7502P |
AMD | EPYC™ | 7532 |
AMD | EPYC™ | 7542 |
AMD | EPYC™ | 7552 |
AMD | EPYC™ | 7642 |
AMD | EPYC™ | 7662 |
AMD | EPYC™ | 7702 |
AMD | EPYC™ | 7702P |
AMD | EPYC™ | 7742 |
AMD | EPYC™ | 7F32 |
AMD | EPYC™ | 7F52 |
AMD | EPYC™ | 7F72 |
AMD | EPYC™ | 7H12 |
AMD | EPYC™ | 72F3 |
AMD | EPYC™ | 7313 |
AMD | EPYC™ | 7313P |
AMD | EPYC™ | 7343 |
AMD | EPYC™ | 73F3 |
AMD | EPYC™ | 7413 |
AMD | EPYC™ | 7443 |
AMD | EPYC™ | 7443P |
AMD | EPYC™ | 7453 |
AMD | EPYC™ | 74F3 |
AMD | EPYC™ | 7513 |
AMD | EPYC™ | 7543 |
AMD | EPYC™ | 7543P |
AMD | EPYC™ | 75F3 |
AMD | EPYC™ | 7643 |
AMD | EPYC™ | 7663 |
AMD | EPYC™ | 7713 |
AMD | EPYC™ | 7713P |
AMD | EPYC™ | 7763 |
AMD | Ryzen™ 3 | 3250C |
AMD | Ryzen™ 3 | 3250U |
AMD | Ryzen™ 3 | 3200G with Radeon™ Vega 8 Graphics |
AMD | Ryzen™ 3 | 3200GE |
AMD | Ryzen™ 3 | 3200U |
AMD | Ryzen™ 3 | 3350U |
AMD | Ryzen™ 3 | 2300X |
AMD | Ryzen™ 3 | 5300U |
AMD | Ryzen™ 3 | 3100 |
AMD | Ryzen™ 3 | 3300U |
AMD | Ryzen™ 3 | 4300G |
AMD | Ryzen™ 3 | 4300GE |
AMD | Ryzen™ 3 | 4300U |
AMD | Ryzen™ 3 | 5400U |
AMD | Ryzen™ 3 PRO | 3200G |
AMD | Ryzen™ 3 PRO | 3200GE |
AMD | Ryzen™ 3 PRO | 3300U |
AMD | Ryzen™ 3 PRO | 4350G |
AMD | Ryzen™ 3 PRO | 4350GE |
AMD | Ryzen™ 3 PRO | 4450U |
AMD | Ryzen™ 3 PRO | 5450U |
AMD | Ryzen™ 5 | 3400G with Radeon™ RX Vega 11 Graphics |
AMD | Ryzen™ 5 | 3400GE |
AMD | Ryzen™ 5 | 3450U |
AMD | Ryzen™ 5 | 3500C |
AMD | Ryzen™ 5 | 3500U |
AMD | Ryzen™ 5 | 3550H |
AMD | Ryzen™ 5 | 3580U Microsoft Surface® Edition |
AMD | Ryzen™ 5 | 2500X |
AMD | Ryzen™ 5 | 2600 |
AMD | Ryzen™ 5 | 2600E |
AMD | Ryzen™ 5 | 2600X |
AMD | Ryzen™ 5 | 5500U |
AMD | Ryzen™ 5 | 3500 Processor |
AMD | Ryzen™ 5 | 3600 |
AMD | Ryzen™ 5 | 3600X |
AMD | Ryzen™ 5 | 3600XT |
AMD | Ryzen™ 5 | 4600G |
AMD | Ryzen™ 5 | 4500U |
AMD | Ryzen™ 5 | 4600GE |
AMD | Ryzen™ 5 | 4600H |
AMD | Ryzen™ 5 | 4600U |
AMD | Ryzen™ 5 | 5600H |
AMD | Ryzen™ 5 | 5600HS |
AMD | Ryzen™ 5 | 5600U |
AMD | Ryzen™ 5 | 5600X |
AMD | Ryzen™ 5 PRO | 3400G |
AMD | Ryzen™ 5 PRO | 3400GE |
AMD | Ryzen™ 5 PRO | 3500U |
AMD | Ryzen™ 5 PRO | 2600 |
AMD | Ryzen™ 5 PRO | 3600 |
AMD | Ryzen™ 5 PRO | 4650G |
AMD | Ryzen™ 5 PRO | 4650GE |
AMD | Ryzen™ 5 PRO | 4650U |
AMD | Ryzen™ 5 PRO | 5650U |
AMD | Ryzen™ 7 | 3700C |
AMD | Ryzen™ 7 | 3700U |
AMD | Ryzen™ 7 | 3750H |
AMD | Ryzen™ 7 | 3780U Microsoft Surface® Edition |
AMD | Ryzen™ 7 | 2700 |
AMD | Ryzen™ 7 | 2700E Processor |
AMD | Ryzen™ 7 | 2700X |
AMD | Ryzen™ 7 | 5700U |
AMD | Ryzen™ 7 | 3700X |
AMD | Ryzen™ 7 | 3800X |
AMD | Ryzen™ 7 | 3800XT |
AMD | Ryzen™ 7 | 4700G |
AMD | Ryzen™ 7 | 4700GE |
AMD | Ryzen™ 7 | 4700U |
AMD | Ryzen™ 7 | 4800H |
AMD | Ryzen™ 7 | 4800HS |
AMD | Ryzen™ 7 | 4800U |
AMD | Ryzen™ 7 | 5800H |
AMD | Ryzen™ 7 | 5800HS |
AMD | Ryzen™ 7 | 5800U |
AMD | Ryzen™ 7 | 5800 |
AMD | Ryzen™ 7 | 5800X |
AMD | Ryzen™ 7 PRO | 3700U |
AMD | Ryzen™ 7 PRO | 2700 |
AMD | Ryzen™ 7 PRO | 2700X |
AMD | Ryzen™ 7 PRO | 4750G |
AMD | Ryzen™ 7 PRO | 4750GE |
AMD | Ryzen™ 7 PRO | 4750U |
AMD | Ryzen™ 7 PRO | 5850U |
AMD | Ryzen™ 9 | 3900 Processor |
AMD | Ryzen™ 9 | 3900X |
AMD | Ryzen™ 9 | 3900XT |
AMD | Ryzen™ 9 | 3950X |
AMD | Ryzen™ 9 | 4900H |
AMD | Ryzen™ 9 | 4900HS |
AMD | Ryzen™ 9 | 5900HS |
AMD | Ryzen™ 9 | 5900HX |
AMD | Ryzen™ 9 | 5980HS |
AMD | Ryzen™ 9 | 5980HX |
AMD | Ryzen™ 9 | 5900 |
AMD | Ryzen™ 9 | 5900X |
AMD | Ryzen™ 9 | 5950X |
AMD | Ryzen™ 9 PRO | 3900 |
AMD | Ryzen™ Threadripper™ | 2920X |
AMD | Ryzen™ Threadripper™ | 2950X |
AMD | Ryzen™ Threadripper™ | 2970WX |
AMD | Ryzen™ Threadripper™ | 2990WX |
AMD | Ryzen™ Threadripper™ | 3960X |
AMD | Ryzen™ Threadripper™ | 3970X |
AMD | Ryzen™ Threadripper™ | 3990X |
AMD | Ryzen™ Threadripper™ PRO | 3945WX |
AMD | Ryzen™ Threadripper™ PRO | 3955WX |
AMD | Ryzen™ Threadripper™ PRO | 3975WX |
AMD | Ryzen™ Threadripper™ PRO | 3995WX |
Lista procesoarelor Qualcomm compatibile cu Windows 11
Din fericire, pentru Qualcomm, lista de procesoare suportate lasă pe dinafară doar cipul Snapdragon 835. Toate celelalte procesoare SoC ale producătorului sunt pe deplin suportate de Windows 11.
Qualcomm® | Snapdragon™ | Snapdragon 850 |
Qualcomm® | Snapdragon™ | Snapdragon 7c |
Qualcomm® | Snapdragon™ | Snapdragon 8c |
Qualcomm® | Snapdragon™ | Snapdragon 8cx |
Qualcomm® | Snapdragon™ | Snapdragon 8cx (Gen2) |
Qualcomm® | Snapdragon™ | Microsoft SQ1 |
Qualcomm® | Snapdragon™ | Microsoft SQ2 |
SFAT: Puteți rula Windows 11 chiar dacă procesorul nu este acceptat
Deși cerințele minime de procesor pentru Windows 11 sunt destul de exigente, Microsoft a lăsat loc pentru entuziaștii Windows să guste din Windows 11 chiar dacă sistemele lor nu îl suportă.
Dacă sunteți de acord să vă înscrieți în programul Windows Insider Preview, atunci veți fi bucuroși să aflați că Microsoft permite entuziaștilor și dezvoltatorilor Windows de pe Insider Preview Dev Channel să poată instala Windows 11 chiar dacă PC-urile lor nu îndeplinesc cerințele minime de sistem.
Dar, bineînțeles, există și ceva la mijloc. Dacă hardware-ul computerului este incompatibil cu Windows 11, atunci nu veți primi actualizarea Windows 11 atunci când va fi lansată pentru public mai târziu în cursul anului. Și, mai rău, Microsoft va dori să reveniți la Windows 10 atunci când Windows 11 va fi făcut public. Nu ar mai exista alte versiuni Windows 11 Insider Preview pentru sistemele incompatibile odată ce noua versiune de Windows va fi disponibilă pentru toată lumea.
Totuși, există și vești bune, să sperăm. Ultimul build Windows 11 Insider Preview ar trebui să fie foarte stabil, deoarece va fi probabil același build care va intra în canalul stabil pentru lansarea publică.
Prin urmare, în cazul în care NU doriți să vă întoarceți la Windows 10 după ultima versiune Windows 11 developer preview build pentru calculatoare incompatibile, atunci probabil că puteți continua să o utilizați pe termen lung, deoarece va fi foarte stabilă.
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