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Actualizarea Quake II RTX 1.5 Ray Tracing pentru Vulkan și multe altele

Quake II RTX a primit o actualizare majoră.

O nouă actualizare Quake II RTX a fost lansată acum câteva ore, introducând o nouă metodă de Ray Tracing pentru Vulkan și multe alte îmbunătățiri.

Noua metodă de Ray Tracing folosește API-ul extensiei VK_KHR_ray_query, despre care se spune că funcționează cel mai bine cu driverele recente de la NVIDIA și AMD.

Added support for ray tracing using the `VK_KHR_ray_query` extension API.
NOTE: This is an optional feature, and the two previously supported methods, `VK_NV_ray_tracing` and `VK_KHR_ray_tracing_pipeline`, are still supported. We recommend using NVIDIA Graphics Driver version 465 or newer, or AMD Radeon Software version 21.3.1 or newer.

Conform rapoartelor online, noua metodă de Ray Tracing din Quake II RTX Vulkan aduce îmbunătățiri notabile ale performanței.

I think performance has increased with VK_KHR_ray_query, now in 1080p I never drop under 60fps and I’ve seen peaks of over 80, I keep everything as high as possible, from RT quality, to reflection recursions, etc. On a 2080 (driver 461.40).

Actualizarea Quake II RTX 1.5 introduce, de asemenea, o varietate de remedieri și îmbunătățiri, pe care le puteți găsi detaliate mai jos.

Fixed issues:

  • Fixed the crash that happened on some systems when the game is minimized

  • Fixed the invalid Vulkan API usage that happened in the bloom pass

  • Fixed the invalid barrier for an inter-queue resource transition

  • Fixed the out-of-bounds addressing of the framebuffer array

Misc Improvements:

  • Reduced the delay after resolution changes by avoiding re-initialization of the RT pipelines.

  • Changed the memory type required for the UBO and transparency upload buffers to `(HOST_VISIBLE | HOST_COHERENT)`.

  • Improved logging around SLI initialization.

Jocul este disponibil pe Steam.